Autonomedia is an autonomous zone for arts radicals in both old and new media. We publish books on radical media, politics and the arts that seek to transcend party lines, bottom lines and straight lines. We also maintain the Interactivist Info Exchange, an online forum for discourse and debate on themes relevant to the books we publish.
Anarchist Library
The scope of the Anarchist Library project is enormous. It will be a central website for all anarchist texts. Our collection eventually will consist of every digitally-available anarchist book, essay, story and article. We will be using only Free Software and Open Formats to produce typographically accurate, easy to parse, clean textual treatments of anarchist texts.
Little Black Cart
Our mission is the total transformation of society into one that is stateless and classless, a society of mutual aid, voluntary cooperation, and the liberation of desire. We call this mission anarchy, but also accept it being called anarchism, (anti-state) communism, anti-authoritarianism, or not naming it at all (the mission that must not be named).(...)
O Libertário
Este é um espaço de contestação, revolta e insubmissão contra todas e quaisquer formas de opressão e subjugação. O objectivo específico deste blog é denunciar a podridão, combater o cancro da globalização neoliberal e do capitalismo selvagem, bem como defender os injustiçados e oprimidos da sociedade, num contexto em que o Povo é e será sempre soberano.
Audio Anarchy
Audio Anarchy is a project for transcribing anarchist books into audio format.
Hopefully, this can help make anarchist texts and ideas more accessable. Beyond the obvious appeal for people who don't like to read (or don't have time to read in this busy on-the-go world), hearing a book read aloud can also be enjoyable.
Bombs and Shields
Always keep your shield between you and your bomb
End of Capitalism
A new world is on its way. We are building it, one day at a time.
Dictionnaire International des Militants Anarchistes
The Anarchist Encyclopedia
A Gallery of Anti-Authoritarians & Poets, Saints & Sinners, Movements & Events. — 1,735+ entries & growing — (& remember, all bleeding eventually stops...)
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